TIME described it as "ingeniously stat and restat" the idea that "everyone has a multiple personality that if anyone tries to examine deeply his own multiplicity, nonentity, possible unity, he will quickly be called a madman." Vitangelo Moscarda discovers by way of a completely irrelevant question that his wife poses to him that everyone he knows, everyone he has ever met, has constructed a Vitangelo persona in their own imagination and that none of these personas corresponds to the image of Vitangelo that he himself has constructed and believes himself to be. Finally finished, Uno, Nessuno e Centomila came out in episodes between December 1925 and June 1926 in the magazine Fiera Letteraria. Moscarda one, no one and one hundred thousand." The pages of the unfinished novel remained on Pirandello's desk for years and he would occasionally take out extracts and insert them into other works only to return, later, to the novel in a sort of uninterrupted compositive circle. In an autobiographical letter, published in 1924, the author refers to this work as the ".bitterest of all, profoundly humoristic, about the decomposition of life: It is Pirandello's last novel his son later said that it took "more than 15 years" to write.

One, No One and One Hundred Thousand ( Italian: Uno, nessuno e centomila ) is a 1926 novel by the Italian writer Luigi Pirandello.