
Seductions by Ray Garton
Seductions by Ray Garton

Seductions by Ray Garton

In Night Life, nearly two decades after battling the vampires of the Midnight Club in New York City, Davey is a marked man. The gritty, urban story of Davey Owen's dark seduction and reluctant transformation into a creature of the undead has become a classic of the genre. When Ray Garton's Live Girls was published in 1987, it changed the face of vampire fiction.

Seductions by Ray Garton

Night Life, a brilliant sequel to the classic novel of vampires reimagined Live Girls. The story was pretty much a to-be-continued, and if there is one, I doubt I'll read it.The long-awaited follow-up to the vampire classic Live Girls, from the Bram Stoker Award-nominated "horror maestro" ( Publishers Weekly). You know how some characters are called supporting? Well, this was the most un-supporting character I've ever read about. She doubted him, went behind his back to a therapist, talked down to him, and was just altogether overbearing. This story is really drawn out and Anne was a real b-i-itch that got on my nerves at every turn. The players in this story never actually come up with a plan to defeat these shape-changing creatures and a major player died. He's not getting any sleep because of the bad dreams of blood and sex and death. Anne, someone he works with and used to date thinks he's gone off his rocker when she sees him looking haggard. Donald has visions and senses certain things before they happen.

Seductions by Ray Garton

Something like a succubus is killing people and only leaving behind blood, no body. If the first twenty pages don't turn you off, dive right in.įor when we're done there's nothing left. I enjoyed "Seductions", and it was savory, though it's not for everyone. The story bears the action very well, and it all rushes toward a mostly satisfying if somewhat bittersweet (and ABRUPT) conclusion. It's never really explained where they come from, but this is Dark Fantasy, after all, and it doesn't really need a whole lot of detail. Yes, it sounds kinda silly, but believe it or not, it's a damned entertaining read, it has characters that are well fleshed out, and some intriguing notions on the nature of Incubi and Succubi. Certainly puts an interesting spin on foreplay, hmmm? Picture a vagina with teeth and you'll be pretty close. We're talking subterranean critters who mimic humans and seduce them as a means to an end.make them docile and satisfied and then.eat them! Literally! Or in a way, anyway.all that's left when they're done is a lot of blood and some bodily fluid which may be saliva, or it may be something.something else. I've read Garton before-"Lot Lizards", "Live Girls"-so I wasn't really surprised to find this book was loaded with sex (and the cover illustration didn't leave much to the imagination).but do you know, for a first novel, this is pretty darned good, and quite the interesting concept.

Seductions by Ray Garton